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Monthly Music Sessions

March 4, 2018 Monthly Dance Photos
The October Hall of Fame
The annual Hall of Fame Music Festival is a Friday-through-Sunday affair held the first weekend of each October. Musicians get together for an informal jam and warmup session on Friday Morning. Guest bands from around the country make music all afternoon and Friday night, all afternoon and night Saturday, and on Sunday morning.

On Sunday afternoon the year's new nominees to the Western Swing Hall of Fame are honored and inducted. Then, more music until the Festival ends late Sunday night.
The Sacramento Western Swing Society meets the first Sunday of every month except October*  for a music and dance program featuring Western Swing music. The meeting takes place at the Machinists Hall, 2749 Sunrise Blvd., Rancho Cordova, California, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  The admission is $7.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members. The public is welcome to come and have fun with us.

We have featured guest bands each month, with four hours of continuous Live Western Swing music for listening and dancing. Fresh popcorn is $1.00.  Hot food and a full bar are available on premise.
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